where female leaders soar together


Everything you need to succeed in one place. Join an intimate circle of inspiring peers (think Board of Advisors), experience life coaching, business coaching, leadership development, strategic partnerships, networking with like minded women, personal growth and luxurious 3-day annual retreat with world class facilitators. 

Join a circle

Want a spot?

Currently enrolling San Luis Obispo county!

Put a deposit down to hold your spot for a circle in your geographic area. 

Secure a spot in a circle

Step 3

If you already are interested, click below to find a time to speak to us about joining a circle. 

Book a call & fill out our application

Step 2

Coming soon! We just presented live to a group of 60 women in San Luis Obispo and will be uploading the recording shortly for those who missed it live. 

Watch our Presentation

Step 1

How it Works

Frequently Asked Questions

how many members are in a circle? And what's the criteria to join?

The power of these circle is in its intimacy and influence of its members. Our circles range from 12-14 members, not including Paden and Rachel as facilitators.

Our circles are designed for women who are leading executive functions and or organizations. If your company has revenue of at least 7 figures and has 1-2 managers you delegate to, you will find these groups highly successful for you. If you are building a new company but have already built a 7 figure company prior, we would be happy to include you. If you are an Executive Director or C-Level executive in an established, influential organization, you also will get great results. A critical piece to each circle is making sure the members have enough experience and credibility to add value to all the members. Everyone in the circle needs to be an all-star to elevate the collective IQ of the group. We also ensure that members are not in competition with one another in the industries they represent. For example,  if you qualify for a group but another marketing agency owner already has a spot, we will pre-approve you for a future group.  

Note if this is not you and you're disappointed, we highly recommend looking at our other services to see if we can partner with you 1:1 and mentor you to this next level. 

what is the time commitment 

Our circles meet month. Six meetings per year are full day meetings, plan for 9-5pm, then plan for an intimate dinner following the day retreat. The other alternating months, we meet for a half day. Typically from 9-12noon. 

These meetings are designed to be in person to cultivate deeper connections and reduce distractions. However, should something arise or you are not feeling well, we will remote in members who need to attend from home. 

We also have an annual 3-day luxury retreat for our members. Note our membership votes on the locations they prefer and the focus of each retreat. 

what is the investment?

Our circles are billed monthly at $1,835. This includes all meetings, retreat, dinners and food. (Note: this does not include any costs for your travel to the retreat or meetings.) 

There is a $1500 discount for paying in full, bringing the total to $20,500.  

what if I can't make a meeting? 

Members are encouraged to miss no more than 2 meetings during the year, so as to reap the greatest value from relationship building. 

*Please note you will be billed monthly regardless of your attendance, because you are paying for your seat at the table and we will hold your spot. 

We'd love to welcome you into a circle!

Ready to do this?